Data Synchronization

A Typical solution required from Tally Prime when it comes to deploying Data Centralization across multiple locations. Data Centralization is must when Business is being operated from multiple Locations. Implementation of Data Synchronization differs completely based on the functionalities between Head office and branch, factory or warehouse.
Based on functionalities, Sparkle provides Solution for Data Synchronization with Both way sync, Single way sync or Filtered sync.
Major Benefits of Data Synchronization, where Customer doesn’t has to depend on internet 24X7. Which Means Tally can be used at multiple locations without Internet (Offline). Internet is required only at the time of Data synchronization thus Tally works in both Offline as well as online mode concurrently.
Data Synchronization

Both way Synchronization

Require when Data needs to be common at both the locations. Data will get synced between both the locations.

One way Synchronization

Require when Data needs to be synced from branch, factory or warehouse to Head office. In this Process Data will not travel from head office to any other location.

Filtered Synchronization

Require when specific Transaction needs to be traveled from multiple locations. Filtered way can be either from head office or can be from branch, factory or warehouse.
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